Conor's Story - Making it Work

Title: Conor's Story - Making it Work
Category: International Documentary
Year: 2022
Location: UK

Viewer Comments

Joanne McGread from Omagh United Kingdom posted on 25 Aug 2022 3:31:14 AM
Conor you are an exemplary employee. You are so positive and you have put all your training into practice. You should be so proud of all you do every day.

Sharon Bergin from Derry United Kingdom posted on 24 Aug 2022 4:51:00 AM
Well done Conor you are an inspiration to us all.

Mary Kinsella from Letterkenny Ireland posted on 24 Aug 2022 4:41:11 AM
I really enjoyed seeing the film about you Conor. Penneys are very lucky to have you working for them. Youre a star

Cathy Dowdall from Dublin Ireland posted on 23 Aug 2022 3:53:17 AM
What an inspirational young Man. Best of luck Conor

Una Burke from Londonderry Australia posted on 23 Aug 2022 2:57:36 AM
Ah fantastic Conor. Great to see you looking so well and so happy in your work. Great example of what our young people with Special Needs have to offer

Domhnall O'Doherty from Derry United Kingdom posted on 22 Aug 2022 9:57:08 PM
Conor you are an inspiration What an amazing documentary. Everyone at Mencap must be so proud of all your hard work.

Catherine De Vesey from Birmingham United Kingdom posted on 22 Aug 2022 5:36:37 AM
You are a wonderful young man Conor. What a credit you are to your family and all the people you work with at Primark and Mencap. I really loved your film and finding out about you. You're a star.

Maire Ni Eafa from Dublin Ireland posted on 22 Aug 2022 12:23:50 AM
Conor teaches the people he deals with much more than they teach him from the video clip.

Mary Lappin from Dungannon United Kingdom posted on 21 Aug 2022 11:16:09 PM
It is a privilege to know Conor and his family . Conor bis an amazing person who always is kind to others and puts other people first . He is an amazing asset to any job . We wholeheartedly vote for Conor and wish him every success in his future .

Jim Herron from Bal Feirste Ireland posted on 21 Aug 2022 9:27:37 PM
Duine galnta - scannn spreagil. Comhghairdeas le Conor Primark agus le Mencap chomh maith Is deas an rud dea-scal.A lovely oerson and an inspiring film. Congrats to Conor Primark and Mencap also. A good news story is always nice.

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