Christopher's Smile

Title: Christopher's Smile
Author: Dan Sanguineti & Michael J Watson
Category: Open Entrant - Documentary
Year: 2019
Location: ACT

Viewer Comments

Paula Davidson-kelly from Braidwood Australia posted on 5 Jul 2019 6:28:43 AM
A family that warm your heart a little boy who melts your heart Pam and Tom are amazing so proactive Christopher is truly a little miracle.

Vanessa Crowe from Deakin Australia posted on 4 Jul 2019 9:48:04 AM
They are the most beautiful loving and supportive family. He is well loved cared for and adored not only by his immediate family but also by his extended family friends. He is amazing. Christopher really is a superstar Thank you for capturing his life so beautifully.

Jami Fries from Colorado United States posted on 2 Jul 2019 10:35:03 AM
This little boy is amazing. Thank you for spotlighting congenital CMV. The United States lags horribly behind in any kind of CMV awareness. This video made my heart full as my son also has cCMV. Christopher looks like he is doing amazing. Huge hugs to his family. You can tell he is so loved

Stassia S from Queanbeyan Australia posted on 1 Jul 2019 3:53:17 PM
A smile to make a heart melt. A heartwarming insight into a day in the life of this incredible family and boy. A beautiful love story.

Peter Crowley from Tiaro Australia posted on 24 Jun 2019 5:41:11 PM
Christopher's smile is so contagious seeing him smile always puts a smile on my face

Renee Cooper from Queanbeyan Australia posted on 20 Jun 2019 9:38:13 PM
Wow what a great video. Really documents Christopher and the love he has for his family. I had tears in my eyes when he said mum.

Jane McInally from Harrison Australia posted on 20 Jun 2019 9:33:36 PM
Christophers smile is indeed so beautiful we are so lucky to see it every day

Christine Horton from Goulburn Australia posted on 20 Jun 2019 4:20:19 PM
Christopher is an amazing boy his family is especially beautiful The little sisters are gorgeous both dedicated loving parents do their very best to give everyone as normal a life as they possibly can Cheers to all keep on smiling Christopher you little legend

Bec Perrin from Glengowrie Australia posted on 20 Jun 2019 1:16:28 PM
His smile is so genuine so pure. His smile makes you smile. Huge amounts of love going to his family xx

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